Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

January 9th, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Approved February 27th, 2006


Committee Attendees

Jim Goldsmith – Chairperson

Marilyn Z. Kahn

Michael Baskin

Bob Levin

David DePree

Marcia Liebman

Craig Edwards

Melissa Mills

James Glaser

Joel Tran

David Gordon




Paul Lauenstein – Planning Board



Meeting Initiation

Meeting was called to order at 7:55 pm by Jim Goldsmith.


Meeting Minutes

Edwards/Kahn moved to accept minutes of December 12th; unanimously approved.



  1. Goldsmith/Kahn moved to elect Liebman as liaison to the Board of Health; unanimously approved.
  2. Goldsmith informed the committee of his discussion with the Board of Health earlier in the evening regarding the Wilber progress. He provided the BOH with an update similar to that provided to the Board of Selectmen to include the Horsley Witten project. He also mentioned that Peter O’Cain had just received the latest  Weston and Sampson Report (which he brought to the BOH meeting) identifying some non-Wilber sites where, even at 5000 gpd, ground water level may be too high for septic systems. The data from W&S will be sent to Horsley & Witten.The W&S report will also be sent to all committee members and posted on our website.
  3. Suggested changes for the RFP had been compiled by Levitts and distributed to committee members in preparation for this meeting. However, review by the whole committee proved to be cumbersome; it was decided that Goldsmith will review the updated RFP from a legal standpoint and then meet with Liebman to fine-tune the wording.  
  4. Goldsmith discussed a rumor of a lawsuit to force the town to knock down the Wilber building because it is a public health hazard. He emphasized the need to get the building abated as quickly as possible. Baskin estimated if the abatement process were to begin in June it would take approximately three to four months to complete. This includes taking out guano, asbestos, PCB’s, and lead paint in order to provide a clean shell.
  5. Lauenstein noted that January 13th was the deadline for the $45,000 grant application for water protection areas. Gordon/Lauenstein have already drafted a narrative for the grant proposal; they will contact Scott Horsley from Horsley and Witten for comments and additional information. Peter O’Cain will be the lead person on the town side to gather attachments and signatures. Lauenstein stated that this is a competitive grant and there are other grants if this one doesn’t work. Our only disadvantage is that our end result is a plan, as opposed to the completion of the actual project.


Future Meetings

7:30 pm Monday, January 23, Sharon Public Library Reference Room


Meeting Adjournment

      Tran/Levin moved to adjourn meeting at 9:00 pm; passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts